Source code for async_rx.observable.rx_zip

"""rx_zip module.

Note on this implementation:
 - Initial implementation is not on my own: the idea of using all, enumerate, list of done was found by someone else.
 - I was unable to retreive where I see it, and who wrote this heart of this algorithm.
   If someone reconize this, I will be really happy to set author and reference on this part.


from typing import Any, List, NoReturn, Optional

from ..protocol import CompleteHandler, NextHandler, Observable, Observer, Subscription, rx_observer
from .rx_create import rx_create

__all__ = ["rx_zip"]

[docs]def rx_zip(*observables: Observable) -> Observable: """Combine multiple Observables to create an Observable. The Obsevable values are calculated from the values, in order, of each of its input Observables. Args: (Observable): a list of observable instance Returns: (Observable): observable instance """ async def _subscribe(an_observer: Observer) -> Subscription: subscriptions: List[Subscription] = [] sources = list(observables) n = len(sources) queues: List[List] = [[] for _ in range(n)] _disposable = True # error or completed not send _is_done = [False] * n async def _subscription_handler() -> None: nonlocal subscriptions for s in subscriptions: await s() def _on_completed(i: int) -> CompleteHandler: async def __on_completed(): nonlocal _disposable, _is_done _is_done[i] = True if _disposable and all(_is_done): await an_observer.on_completed() _disposable = False return __on_completed async def _on_error(err: Any) -> Optional[NoReturn]: nonlocal _disposable _disposable = False return await an_observer.on_error(err=err) async def _on_next_tuple(i: int) -> None: nonlocal _disposable, queues, _is_done if all(len(q) for q in queues): try: queued_values = [x.pop(0) for x in queues] await an_observer.on_next(tuple(queued_values)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover await _on_error(ex) elif all(x for j, x in enumerate(_is_done) if j != i): _disposable = False await an_observer.on_completed() def _on_next(i: int) -> NextHandler: async def __on_next(item: Any) -> None: nonlocal _disposable, queues if _disposable: queues[i].append(item) await _on_next_tuple(i) return __on_next # observer factory def _observer_factory(i: int) -> Observer: return rx_observer(on_next=_on_next(i), on_completed=_on_completed(i), on_error=_on_error) subscriptions = [await an_observable.subscribe(_observer_factory(i)) for i, an_observable in enumerate(sources)] return _subscription_handler return rx_create(subscribe=_subscribe, max_observer=1)